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Albert Oehlen

Fn Paintings

Albert Oehlen


9.75 x 12.25 inches (24.7 x 31.1 cm)
78 pages. Illustrated in color throughout. Hardcover.
Publication date: 2020
ISBN: 978-0-9971496-8-5
Retail Price: $65 USD

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Published on the occasion of the exhibition Albert Oehlen: Fn Paintings at Skarstedt, New York, this catalogue features tip in plates, installation images, annotated catalogue, and an essay by prolific writer and artist David Salle.

Exhibiting twelve of the twenty paintings in Oehlen’s seminal Fn Series, this exhibition brought the largest number of these works together since 1991 – including all twenty illustrated in the comprehensive annotated catalogue. Neither figurative nor abstract, the series champions the failures of painting – brash juxtapositions of color, discordant symbolic references, and an altogether unconventional approach argues the potential of achieving beauty in breaking the fundamental rules of art.

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